All Saints Sunday is an opportunity for us to gather in worship and to give God thanks for those who have gone before us in the faith. During this special worship service at 9am and 11am on November 3rd, we will use our Memorial Tintinnabulum to remember all of our loved ones who have passed away and we will also light a special candle in honor of the saints of Saint Paul who have gone on to glory during the past year.
Our Memorial Tintinnabulum is now set up and available for everyone to come to pray and a tie bell on it in memory of any loved ones who have passed away. The Tintinnabulum is located in the Chapel off of the Sanctuary and will be available on Sundays and during regular Church Office hours through November 1st. If you cannot visit the Chapel in person, you can submit your memorial request online or contact the Church Office. The Saint Paul Prayer Team will then pray and tie the bell on the tintinnabulum for you in memory of your loved one.