November is our Backpack Buddies Month at Saint Paul and we are collecting food for 27 children at Carver Heights Elementary School who are food insecure. This will provide the children with meals at home each weekend during the month of November. We invite you to bring the specific individually-wrapped food items (see list below) in double-bagged plastic grocery bags and drop them off in the church Narthex by October 29th. Thank you for your giving hearts!
Food Items Needed (Individually-wrapped):
- 2 drink boxes
- 2 fruits cups
- 2 vegetables cups
- 2 meats (Chef Boyardee, macaroni & cheese, etc.)
- 2 breakfasts (oatmeal, cereal, Pop Tarts)
- 5 snacks (Goldfish, cookies, pudding cups, raisins, etc.)