We invite you to join us for a week of reflection and remembrance as we journey through Holy Week together. We have several Worship Service opportunities for us to gather this week and we hope you will join us.
Holy Week Daily Devotions
Beginning Palm Sunday afternoon and continuing each day of Holy Week we will be sharing the Scriptures detailing the events that took place in Jesus’s life that day. We will offer a short devotional and a musical offering to help you capture the essence of that day of Holy Week. We are on a Journey together this week to walk each day in a new way.
Holy Week Worship Schedule
Palm Sunday
March 24 @ 11 AM
We will have one combined Worship Service at 11am on Palm Sunday with the Children’s Palm Processional as we proclaim Hosanna in the Highest.

Holy Tuesday
March 26 @ 7 PM
On Tuesday we will have A Service of Healing with the anointing of oil and a time of prayer to bring our needs, hurts, and brokenness to the altar.

Maundy Thursday
March 28 @ 7 PM
We will gather for our Maundy Thursday service to remember the last days of Jesus and a Stripping of the Altar.

Easter Sunday
March 31 @ 8 AM & 11 AM
On Easter Sunday we will celebrate the Resurrection with two Worship Services. At 8am we will have an Easter Sunrise Service in the Garden and at 11am we will have a traditional Easter Resurrection Service in the Sanctuary.
Remember to bring flowers from your yard on Easter Sunday to decorate the flowered cross.