Psalm 100 says, “Make a joyful noise to the Lord!” From the earliest days of Methodism the People Called Methodists have been known as a singing people. Beginning when the Wesley brothers issued their first Methodist Hymnal in 1739, the hymnals have given God’s people the resources to sing! After more than 40 years, the first particularly Wesleyan hymnal has been published. And for the first time in 30 years we have purchased a new Methodist hymnal called Our Great Redeemer’s Praise. We are excited to debut this hymnal in 2023.
We are inviting everyone to take this opportunity to memorialize or honor someone in your life for which you’d like to remember or to honor.
First, we have collected all of the old hymnals and Bibles. We have a small team who is organizing them. They will be contacting everyone they can reach for whom a hymnal and/or Bible has been donated in memory of or in honor. They will ask you if you would like to have that hymnal and/or Bible that was donated for your family. And they will ask you if you would like to donate a new hymnal and/or Bible in loving memory and/or in honor of that person or anyone else.
In addition to this project we are inviting everyone who would like to donate a new hymnal and/or Bible in loving memory or in honor of someone to do so. If you would like to memorialize or honor someone who has touched your life you can do so by completing the form below (please spell the name just as you’d like for it to be listed). We will adhere the memory labels to each new hymnal and bible.
Hymnals are $30
Bibles are $10