
October 2024

Week 2

  • Today’s Bible Story: God always hears me.
    Hagar and Ishmael • Genesis 21:14-20
  • Memory Verse: “God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9, NLT
  • Key Question: Who is always with you?
  • Bottom Line: God is always with me.
  • Basic Truth: God loves me.

SMALL GROUP (10 minutes)

SOCIAL: Providing time for fun interaction
Little Planes

What You Need:

Fun, fast-paced preschool music; and a music player; Optional: “Flight of the Bumblebee” music by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

What You Do:

Before the Activity: Gather the children in the activity area.

During the Activity: Encourage children to pretend to be airplanes—flying through the room while the music plays and freezing when the music stops. Repeat as desired.

Option: Use “Flight of the Bumblebee” instead of the fun, fast-paced preschool music.

After the Activity: Introduce the Bible Story.

What You Say:

Before the Activity: “Friends, what is something that is really big and flies in the sky? (Pause.) Good guesses! This carries people and takes them from place to place. (Pause.) You guessed it! It’s an airplane! Today, we’re going to pretend to be airplanes flying through the sky.”

During the Activity: “When you hear the music, I want you to fly all around the room. But when the music stops, you all need to freeze! Are you ready? Okay, let’s fly! (Start music.) Fly all over the room. (Pause the music.) Everyone, freeze! (Start the music.) Let’s fly again! (Repeat as desired.) Wow, you guys are great at this!”

After the Activity: “Whew, friends! “I know you are all SO tired from flying all over the room! Did you know that no matter where we go, God is ALWAYS with us? On a plane, in a car, and even on a bus, God is always with us! Let’s go hear a true Bible Story about how God was with a boy and his mom when they were in the desert.”


Move to Worship and Story by continuing the game of flying, then freezing. Repeat until you get to your designated area.

VIDEO (10 minutes)

VIDEO: Video Presentation (10 minutes)

What You Need:

Bible and Wonder Full Video Week 2

What You Do:

Download the Wonder video and have it ready to play.

What You Say:

LEADER: “Hi, friends! My name is [your name], and I can’t wait to share a true story from the Bible with you.

Open Bible for children to see, then set it down.

“Today’s true story from the Bible begins with a woman named Hagar and her son, Ishmael, in a hot desert. Let’s visit our friends at the Clubhouse to hear more!

VIDEO: Wonder Full Video Week 2

“God heard Hagar and Ishmael because God was always with them, and God hears you because God is always with you too! Who is always with you?”

CHILDREN and LEADER: [Bottom Line] “God is always with me!”

LEADER: “Yes, [Bottom Line] God is always with me. [Transition] Our story time is over (pick up and close Bible), but we’re not through. Let’s talk to God because God loves you!”


LEADER: “God, we are so grateful that You hear us—just like You heard Hagar and Ishmael.  You hear us when we’re sad, You hear us when we’re happy, and You hear us when we’re angry. We know we can always talk to You anytime, anywhere, and about anything. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


“And now it’s time for more Bible fun. There’s more to learn. Come on, everyone!”

Dismiss small groups or lead your small group to the first activity.

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