Saint Paul is partnering with the Rise Against Hunger organization to host a meal-packing event on Sunday, April 14 from 3-5pm in Winslow Hall. Our goal is to pack over 15,000 meals that day to help fight world hunger. This is a great opportunity for the whole family (ages 4+) to Serve Others in this hands-on mission event! We need approximately 50 volunteers for this event so bring family, friends, neighbors, and anyone interested in serving.
Please Register below to Sign Up for the names and time(s) you AND any of your immediate family members (ages 4+) will volunteer for this event. We need help with Setup (2-3 pm) and the Meal Packing shift (3-5 pm). Nursery care will be provided for children not participating–you do not need to register the names of children for the nursery.
Click below to watch the instructional video to learn more about serving at the event.
You can learn more about the mission of Rise Against Hunger by Clicking Here or visiting their website at: www.riseagainsthunger.org