Saint Paul SPRC Senior Minister Assessment 2024 If you are human, leave this field blank.1. What were the clergy’s mutually agreed upon goals for personal development (disciplined life, self-care, family-work balance) for the past year, and how did s/he fulfill them?2. What were the clergy’s mutually agreed upon goals for the clergy’s professional development for the past year and how did s/he fulfill them? 3. Areas of EvaluationEvaluations in this section are divided by category and given to each subcategory. The three possible measures are as follows: Highly Effective – select when the clergyperson exceeds expectations, doing far more than expected for the position, with numerous examples of going above and beyond what was asked. Effective – select when the clergyperson meets expectations, fully satisfying performance expectations Needs Improvement – select when the clergyperson did not meet expectations, is challenged in this area, and could set goals for improvement. PreachingHow would you evaluate your pastor in the following areas? You are asked to select one of the options (highly effective / effective / needs improvement) and add a comment / explanation for each section.Act of proclamation *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementRelevant *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementWell-organized Scripture-based sermons *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementOrganized and thought-provoking message *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementPreaching *Comments Here WorshipHow would you evaluate your pastor in the following areas? You are asked to select one of the options (highly effective / effective / needs improvement) and add a comment / explanation for each section.Planning *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementLeading in the service *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementAdministering the sacraments *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementWorship *Comments Here CommunicationHow would you evaluate your pastor in the following areas? You are asked to select one of the options (highly effective / effective / needs improvement) and add a comment / explanation for each section.Website *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementSocial media *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementBulletins/newsletters/print media *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementTimely responses to emails *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementEffective church-wide communication *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementCommunication *Comments Here EvangelismHow would you evaluate your pastor in the following areas? You are asked to select one of the options (highly effective / effective / needs improvement) and add a comment / explanation for each section.Reaching others with the Good News of Jesus Christ *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementEvangelism *Comments Here MissionsHow would you evaluate your pastor in the following areas? You are asked to select one of the options (highly effective / effective / needs improvement) and add a comment / explanation for each section.Role in developing and carrying out ministry with marginalized *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementLeads the church in engaging the community in ministry and relationship *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementWelcomes the community into the life of the church *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementMissions *Comments Here Administration & Time ManagementHow would you evaluate your pastor in the following areas? You are asked to select one of the options (highly effective / effective / needs improvement) and add a comment / explanation for each section.Financial administration *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementOrganization *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementOversight of personnel *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementAdequate record keeping *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementAdministration & Time Management *Comments Here Relationship with the CongregationHow would you evaluate your pastor in the following areas? You are asked to select one of the options (highly effective / effective / needs improvement) and add a comment / explanation for each section.Relationship skills *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementPastoral care *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementConflict resolution *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementRelationship with the Congregation *Comments Here Disciplined LifeHow would you evaluate your pastor in the following areas? You are asked to select one of the options (highly effective / effective / needs improvement) and add a comment / explanation for each section.Keeping Sabbath *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementSpiritual growth *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementPhysical care *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementPersonal financial stewardship *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementPeer relations *1. Highly Effective2. Effective3. Needs ImprovementDisciplined Life *Comments Here 4. Based on the goals of the clergy stated in this assessment, what are some specific recommendations for continuing education for this year? *5. Navigating Conflict - How would you rate your pastor’s ability to assess, meet, and guide the church through times of challenge and conflict? * 6. On a scale of 1-5, please rate the support of the SPRC for the pastor in his/her ministry. *1. Highly Effective2. Somewhat Effective3. Effective4. Somewhat Not Effective5. Needs ImprovementPlease provide one or two examples of the SPRC support for the pastor. *Comments Here Submit