Saint Paul SPRC Senior Minister Assessment 2024

3. Areas of Evaluation

Evaluations in this section are divided by category and given to each subcategory. The three possible measures are as follows:
  1. Highly Effective – select when the clergyperson exceeds expectations, doing far more than expected for the position, with numerous examples of going above and beyond what was asked.
  2. Effective – select when the clergyperson meets expectations, fully satisfying performance expectations
  3. Needs Improvement – select when the clergyperson did not meet expectations, is challenged in this area, and could set goals for improvement.


How would you evaluate your pastor in the following areas? You are asked to select one of the options (highly effective / effective / needs improvement) and add a comment / explanation for each section.
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How would you evaluate your pastor in the following areas? You are asked to select one of the options (highly effective / effective / needs improvement) and add a comment / explanation for each section.
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How would you evaluate your pastor in the following areas? You are asked to select one of the options (highly effective / effective / needs improvement) and add a comment / explanation for each section.
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How would you evaluate your pastor in the following areas? You are asked to select one of the options (highly effective / effective / needs improvement) and add a comment / explanation for each section.
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How would you evaluate your pastor in the following areas? You are asked to select one of the options (highly effective / effective / needs improvement) and add a comment / explanation for each section.
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Administration & Time Management

How would you evaluate your pastor in the following areas? You are asked to select one of the options (highly effective / effective / needs improvement) and add a comment / explanation for each section.
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Relationship with the Congregation

How would you evaluate your pastor in the following areas? You are asked to select one of the options (highly effective / effective / needs improvement) and add a comment / explanation for each section.
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Disciplined Life

How would you evaluate your pastor in the following areas? You are asked to select one of the options (highly effective / effective / needs improvement) and add a comment / explanation for each section.
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