Staff Biography Information If you are human, leave this field blank.Saint Paul Staff Biography InformationLast NameFirst NameMiddle NameNickname/Preferred Name to be calledCurrent Home Address (City)How long have you lived there?List any previous address information (city/state/how long you lived at each address) that you would like to share.How did you first hear about Saint Paul?List any information you would like to share about your time/experience at Saint Paul.Name of SchoolCity/StateDiploma/DegreeYear FinishedName of SchoolCity/StateMajor/DegreeNumber of Years AttendedYear FinishedName of SchoolCity/StateMajor/DegreeNumber of Years AttendedYear FinishedDescribe any other education, specialized training, apprenticeship, extra-curricular activities, or Military experience.Children: Please list any information you would like to share about your children (name/age/gender/school/etc).Spouse: Please list any information you would like to share about your spouse (name/number of years together/job/way you met/etc).Other Family: Please list any information you would like to share about other members of your family (ie parents, siblings, etc).List any memberships of trade organizations, civic activities, churches, etc. and any offices held.List any specialized skills, hobbies, interests, or any other information you would like to share about yourself.Name of EmployerLocation (City/State)Job/Position HeldYear Position BeganYear Position EndedPlease list any additional information you would like to include about this position, special skills learned/utilized, reason for leaving, etc.Name of EmployerLocation (City/State)Job/Position HeldYear Position BeganYear Position EndedPlease list any additional information you would like to include about this position, special skills learned/utilized, reason for leaving, etc.Name of EmployerLocation (City/State)Job/Position HeldYear Position BeganYear Position EndedPlease list any additional information you would like to include about this position, special skills learned/utilized, reason for leaving, etc.List any other jobs/work experience you would like to share about yourself.Submit