VBS 2024

Saint Paul Vacation Bible School: June 15-20 @ 5:30pm

We are excited to Start The Party and celebrate the good news of Jesus at our VBS 2024. VBS will be June 17-20 from 5:30-7:30 pm, with doors opening at 5:15 pm. We will have large group activities, games, dinner, and lessons for kids. VBS is open to ages 2-5th grade. VBS Child Registration is below, including information for your VBS T-shirt order.

Calling all VOLUNTEERS: We will need teachers, assistants, game leaders, dinner crews, and many more to make this party happen! If you are interested in learning more about how you can serve as a Volunteer at VBS, contact Mary Catherine Kelly, Children’s Director, at: kids@stpaulgoldsboro.org.

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